The Game of Life

What do you think a game is? Do you even know that we are already playing one game? You don\’t know? Then let me tell you. It is our life. Life is a game. It\’s a game where, if you\’re lucky, someone has a few lives, someone has one life, someone has three lives, and so on. Board games, card games, outdoor games, etc… So why am I writing about a game called life? Because I don\’t want to write about the classic game that most people write about. So I want to write about something different, something thought-provoking.


That is why I want to write a story for you. Once upon a time, there was a brilliant student who was hardworking, popular, beautiful, and many other things. Unfortunately, she was in a serious accident, which did not kill her, but it did cause her to lose her leg. Why am I writing this? If her destiny had wanted her to be here, she would no longer be here. But instead of losing her leg, she got another life. Which do you think is better? To die and lose her life, or to gain life and lose her leg?

I had a stage 3 burn on my leg and the doctor said it would never get better.

Having not experienced it, it\’s easy for me to say, I would rather lose my leg than my life. You are surrounded by people who love you. Yes, someone could turn their back on me, but I know my family and animals would not. And I have faith that my boyfriend will take care of me too.”


Can you imagine? Waking up in a hospital with no legs. It\’s a difficult thought. Especially if you have been through this or are reading this, believe me, even if you don\’t have a leg, you have a life and a wonderful heart that makes it 100%. Even if it is only on the outside, even 80% of your body counts as your life\’s greatest achievement.

So take care of your life. You never know when you might lose your own unique life. Take care of yourself and believe that your life will last a long time. Your life will thank you one day.