Liability of Employees for Damages

The liability of employees for damages caused to them is defined in detail by law. There are several types of this law.
Generally, an employee must be compensated for damages caused by a breach of duty in the performance of his or her duties. Of course, the amount of compensation depends on many circumstances. If the employer is also in breach of duty, the amount of compensation will be proportionately reduced. Proving that the employee committed such an act is a matter for the employer and is usually very difficult.
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Proving that the employee was negligent need not be complicated if the employee has signed an agreement regarding the employee\’s liability for the deficit of the entrusted amount. In this case, the amount of damages payable is unlimited and the employee must pay the full amount of damages. This agreement may only be signed by a person of legal age and legal capacity. If the agreement is signed, the employee may be excused from payment only if he proves that the damage would have occurred but for his negligence at the time the damage occurred.
In addition to liability for damages, employees are liable for the loss of items entrusted to them for the performance of their duties (cell phones, company vehicles, computers). In the event of loss of such items, the employer is liable not only for property damage, but also for related damages. If the value of the goods deposited exceeds SEK 50,000, the employee must again sign an agreement. Again, the employee must be an adult and self-employed.
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In most cases, the scope of compensation is limited to a certain proportional amount. However, there are exceptions. If an employee intentionally causes such damage while intoxicated or after ingesting intoxicating substances, the employee pays the full amount of the damage incurred. In all other cases, the limit is 4.5 times the average monthly salary. This limit applies to each loss, even if more than one loss occurs at the same time. If the loss is caused by more than one employee or by the employer alone, each employee pays a pro rata amount according to the degree of negligence.
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And how is compensation to be paid? It is, of course, in money. The most common is a deduction from wages until repayment.