Reasons why men cannot get custody

There are several factors involved in this. If you are a timid mom who hates your dad and wants to make his life hell, and you have nothing left to look forward to in your own life other than focusing on the all-consuming past and having a slow glass of wine with your twice-divorced girl friend–this article is for you. Wash your hands for five whole minutes.
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1) Custody Judges
Yes, there are the occasional custody judge, but the majority are women. And women are horny for women, very horny. If they see a man wanting to fight over a child, the woman gives the child to the mother anyway. Even if he has millions of dollars and is a saint whose children like him, she will give the child to the mother anyway. Unless he is a junkie, homeless, or alcoholic, she will approach the father.

2) OSPOD employees
The majority of social workers in the Child Welfare Department are women. And women go to the women who have the biggest demons against fathers. Women also have a woman\’s perspective. And it is women who make assessments about a parent\’s fitness to run a household and care for children.

3) Stigma
There is a stigma in much of society that women take much better care of children than men. And it\’s not just the pathetic little short-haired, probably dyed blonde, who does business at Oriflame or Herbalife and thinks of herself as how epee she is. Nor is it the associate professor or family law professor who thinks men are good at two things (most are abandoned by their husbands because they are women who are difficult to spend an hour with, let alone a lifetime with). A few female judges have stood up for men, like Kateřina Simáčková of the Czech Constitutional Court. But that is where it ends.
ručička mimča
While the practice of mothers asserting noncustodial rights is slowly coming to an end, it will still be a long time before fathers who want to take care of their children will get sole custody. For now, the only thing a father can do is alternate custody.