What to look out for in the woods

If you go for a walk in the woods, be aware that you are not alone. Along the way, you can meet deer, wild boar and other animals. Do not make too much noise. Animals should not be scared away from food, like their own peace.
daněk evropský
1.       Deer in the heat
Male deer are characterized by loud noises during the heat and try to attract the attention of females. This phenomenon can most often be heard at dawn or, conversely, at dusk, when men are most active. But they also use trumpets when fighting each other. However, if you want to take a walk in the forest during the ripening period, pay more attention to it and avoid it if it is better to stay at home.
Interesting facts:
In women, pregnancy lasts 240-262 days. They give birth to 15 cubs weighing about 2 kg, which are hidden in the grass for the first few days after birth, and in rare cases up to 2.
Never enter the forest if:
· You are menstruating
· If you are pregnant
· You are ovulating
A deer ovulates a woman If you encounter a deer, do not move and do not panic. If you do not want to risk anything, go to the forest after the ripening period or when your days are over.
divoká prasátka
2.       Wild boar
Do not panic when you see a wild boar. If you do nothing to him or scare him, he will not just attack.  On the contrary, when meeting him, making a loud noise, this intimidates him and he leaves. But if it is bachyny, be careful with her, give up as soon as possible or go out somewhere she can not get. She protects her youth and can attack at any time. If you see or meet a young boar, stay away from it. Wild boars are nocturnal creatures, so avoid walking in the forest at night.
Type:Do not loosen pets in the forest. The animal is also annoyed by the smell path a few days before the dog. This stress for her can also mean a fatal danger. Especially when giving birth to chicks and in winter.
 oranžový had
3.       Snakes
Common vipers are endangered species and are rare. But that bite will not kill you. It is completely poison〜free or contains 5-10 milligrams. If bitten, do not suck the poison out of the mouth or squeeze it from the place where it was injured. The snake does not like noise, so when you meet him, start trampling your feet and do it properly.

What to look out for in the woods

If you go for a walk in the woods, be aware that you are not alone. Along the way, you can meet deer, wild boar and other animals. Do not make too much noise. Animals should not be scared away from food, like their own peace.
daněk evropský
1.       Deer in the heat
Male deer are characterized by loud noises during the heat and try to attract the attention of females. This phenomenon can most often be heard at dawn or, conversely, at dusk, when men are most active. But they also use trumpets when fighting each other. However, if you want to take a walk in the forest during the ripening period, pay more attention to it and avoid it if it is better to stay at home.
Interesting facts:
In women, pregnancy lasts 240-262 days. They give birth to 15 cubs weighing about 2 kg, which are hidden in the grass for the first few days after birth, and in rare cases up to 2.
Never enter the forest if:
· You are menstruating
· If you are pregnant
· You are ovulating
A deer ovulates a woman If you encounter a deer, do not move and do not panic. If you do not want to risk anything, go to the forest after the ripening period or when your days are over.
divoká prasátka
2.       Wild boar
Do not panic when you see a wild boar. If you do nothing to him or scare him, he will not just attack.  On the contrary, when meeting him, making a loud noise, this intimidates him and he leaves. But if it is bachyny, be careful with her, give up as soon as possible or go out somewhere she can not get. She protects her youth and can attack at any time. If you see or meet a young boar, stay away from it. Wild boars are nocturnal creatures, so avoid walking in the forest at night.
Type:Do not loosen pets in the forest. The animal is also annoyed by the smell path a few days before the dog. This stress for her can also mean a fatal danger. Especially when giving birth to chicks and in winter.
 oranžový had
3.       Snakes
Common vipers are endangered species and are rare. But that bite will not kill you. It is completely poison〜free or contains 5-10 milligrams. If bitten, do not suck the poison out of the mouth or squeeze it from the place where it was injured. The snake does not like noise, so when you meet him, start trampling your feet and do it properly.